A better version of the Samsung 50G - The INR21700-50S by Samsung has legendary status with up to 5000mAh of capacity and 25A of continuous discharge. A super powerful battery which can hold a large capacity as well.
Note: Buying in pairs (2 batteries) gives you a plastic battery case for free
- Capacity (Ah): 5000mAh
- Charging Voltage (V): 4.2 V
- Nominal Voltage (V): 3.6V-3.7V
- Weight max. (g): 70g
- Dimensions: 70.55 mm (L) x 20.45 mm (D)
- Max. Continuous Discharge rate: 25A
- Top (positive side): Flat top
Regarding Exchanges/Warranty
Due to the nature of this consumable product, no returns/exchanges with this product or other replacements are allowed unless the product is DOA
Warranty coverage will be 3 Months Full Warranty (against explosions/leakage/venting) unless battery has been found to be pushed beyond its stated specs, misused or over-discharged
- CAUTION: when working with Li-ion cells, they are very sensitive to charging characteristics and may explode if mis-handled
- User should have enough knowledge on Li-Ion rechargeable batteries in charging, discharging,and assembly before use
- Put the batteries in fire-proof container when bringing them out or when they are not in use
- Do not put batteries on wood surface, carpets or flammable materials when charging
- Never leave battery un-attended when charging (especially overnight)
- We are not responsible for any damage(s) to property or injuries if there is any modification of the batteries in form, shape, or when made into packs
- We are not responsible for any damage(s) to property or injuries arising from possible explosions, leaks or fires resulting from the use or misuse/mishandling of these Li-Ion batteries